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U motenya!

I leave my house for work and get called over by two village women awaiting their chance to do business with the chief. The first smiles...

Thursday, February 13, 2014

A Glimpse into my Inspiration...

In 2011, I was lucky enough to visit my friend Grace during her Peace Corps service in Belize. Although I had been toying with the idea of Peace Corps service for a decade, it was this trip that really cemented my motivation to serve. As I scramble to get things done before I leave for service in Lesotho in June, please enjoy my scrapbook from the Belize trip and get a glimpse into my passion and motivation for this upcoming adventure!

Oh, and if the words on the pages are too tiny to read, just click on each set of pages for a bigger view!

Be sure to subscribe to my blog to keep up with my preparations for departure and my experiences in Lesotho!

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